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- To be VE
Posted by : Ako si Dm
Jan 16, 2012
Hello again guys !
Our VE master and the 10 captains are giving the chance to those people who really wants to join VE . We are calling the attention of non-any-clan-member ! This big event will happen in [VE] milo.'s room on Saturday, January 28 , 2012 . They will be asked to submit a form and post it in "To be VE' with this as the description of the photo :
- Pico ID :
- Previous Clan :
- Why do you want to join :
- Nationality :
- favorite Quote :
Everyone will take a quiz about pico and vermillion eyes clan . There must be 7 people by batch for the quiz bee , So we need atleast 35 participants to attain the set of minimum finalist to be VE . 5 people are the minimum finalist but the number of finalist may change due to number of participants .HERE ARE THE MECHANICS :
- Questions will be given by the VE Master and Captains .
- Answer correctly to be able to step forward ahead of others .
- Only three answers are allowed specially if the question deals with numbers .
- You have to answer only 6 questions correctly to win ,
- All winners / finalists will be given a chance to be VE for 1 week to experience what it feels to be a VE member .
* But again there is only one winner for this big event
- VE Master and Captains will observe the finalists throughout the week .
- After a week we will discuss and decide who is deserving to be a VE and only 1 will be selected to be a regular Vermillion Eyes :)
- [ VE ] moii
Capt . VII