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Archive for April 2012
Hi Again Everyone ! I'm [VE] Samoi , VE's Captain VI .
I'm here to inform you about the new challenge !!
In this campaign,
you can get special prizes
by winning certain amount of Casino Dollars within the days of campaign.
in SLOT Area
April 20th~April 26th (0:00 GMT)
in Slot Area
Win C$1,000(from the start)
→ Almighty One x5, Almighty Three x10
Win C$10,000(from the start)
→Butterfly Dreamy Wall Screen
Win C$50,000(from the start)
→Butterfly Dreamy Wall
→Butterfly Dreamy Floor
Win C$100,000 (from the start)
→Butterfly Dreamy Window
Win C$200,000 (from the start)
→Butterfly Dreamy Dress, Butterfly Dreamy Corsage
→Butterfly Dreamy Outfit, Butterfly Dreamy Hat
The first 500 users who make C$200,000 will also win
Butterfly Dreamy Fountain!!
Here's how you go to the slot area !!
Have a Great pico life !!
Best Regards ,
Vermillion Eyes Clan
Hi this is VE captain VI. How are you ??
I am here to announce you about Macaroon Room!
In the Gacha, there are so many cute Macaroon items !
It’s cute pastel color ! Let’s make Sweet Macaroon room.
Try to get it and show off to your friends!
Also you can buy Macaroon wall and floor at shop!
Here is how to get to the park!
Have an enthusiastic PICO life
Best Regards ,
Vermillion Eyes Clan
Hi This is VE's Captain VI . How's your pico life ??
I am here to inform you about the High school gacha
In the Gacha, there are 3 kinds of high school items!!
So you can enjoy Gothic,Lolita and Preppie style ! All items are soooo cute!
Here's we go to the park !!
Have a Very Great Pico Life !!
Best Regards,
Vermillion Eyes Clan !
Hi this is VE's Captain VI .
I am here to introduce to you the Blue Bad Bunny Gacha
In the Gacha, there are so many cool Blue Bad Bunny Band items !
It must be make you happy and play funky music!!!
By completing the item, you will receive Blue Bad Bunny Costume!
Try to get it and show off to your friends!
Also you can buy Blue Bad Bunny wall and floor at shop!
and… can get funky color hair wigs at shop !!!
The color is so cool!!
I recommend head banging action also!! It’s soooo fun!
Here's how you get to the park :
Have a Great Pico Life
Best Regards,
Vermillion Eyes Clan
Holy Week is a significant religious festival in the Philippines. In this predominantly Roman Catholic country, Holy Week 2012 is known as both Semana Santa 2012 (the Spanish translation of the religious festival itself) or Mahal na Araw 2012.
Throughout the Holy Week 2012, most businesses in the Philippines will either shut down operations or have later opening and earlier closing times. During the Easter Triduum, usually a public holiday, some television stations even interrupt broadcast altogether until Black Saturday in observance of this solemn occasion. In the Ilocos region, a common practice is the singing of a wailing song called the Leccio. It is done as a reflection of mourning the death of Christ.
While holy week is recognized by most Christian / Catholic denominations, most countries emphasizes mainly on the Easter Sunday and Good Friday. Only few countries with strong Christian / Catholic tradition such as Philippines, Panama, and Puerto Rico put the same emphasis to holy week.
Date of Holy Week 2012
2012 Holy Week will be celebrated from Sunday, 1 April 2012 to Sunday, 8 April 2012. Below is the date of days in 2012 holy week. Please note that Easter date change from year to year, and the dates below is only for Holy Week 2012 and not for other years.
Palm Sunday 2012
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Beginning with Palm Sunday, each day leading up to Easter symbolizes special meaning to Christians.
Holy Monday 2012
Monday, 2 April 2012
Holy Tuesday 2012
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Holy Wednesday 2012
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Maundy Thursday 2012 / Huwebes Santo 2012
Thursday, 5 April 2012
The most important of these begins with Maundy Thursday - or Holy Thursday - observed because that was the day in which Christ gathered with his followers for the Passover Seder.To Christians, this is the "Last Supper," where Christ instituted the Christian concept of sharing communion.
Following the Last Supper, Christ endured the "Agony in the Garden" in which he doubted his resolve to face his crucifixion. The events of this dramatic day led ultimately to Christ's betrayal for "40 pieces of silver" at the hands of one of his own followers, Judas Iscariot
Good Friday 2012 / Biyernes Santo 2012 / Viernes Santo 2012
Friday, 6 April 2012
Good Friday, one of the most somber days in the Christian calendar, marks the day of Christ's crucifixion. Today, many Christians observe the hours between noon and 3 PM with silence, prayer and meditation on the Passion of Christ, and it is a Roman Catholic tradition to visit three different churches during this time and to pray the "Stations of the Cross" at each church.
Holy Saturday commemorates the day Christ remained buried in a tomb, the darkest day for early Christians. Since Jewish law would not allow any of the preparations for burial to be carried out on the Sabbath, the tomb was closed to keep the body safe until the mourners returned on Sunday.
When Christ's mother Mary returned to the tomb in the morning to prepare the body of Christ for burial, the tomb was open and an angel proclaimed that Christ had been miraculously resurrected!
Holy Saturday 2012 / Black Saturday 2012 / Sabado de Gloria 2012
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Easter Sunday 2012
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Easter Sunday is the celebration of the joyous news of Christ's triumphant victory over death.
In Spain, Mexico and many other Latin countries, Semana Santa - Holy Week - is a time of processions, candlelit services and religious traditions. Around the world, special foods are served based on the traditional Lenten meatless fast, and festivities are held throughout the entire week in preparation for Easter Sunday.
About 2000 years ago an event occurred in the Middle East that changed the world permanently. We’ll never be the same again. In fact, we date our calendars by this event. Every time you write a date, you’re using the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the focal point. A.D. and B.C. History was split by this one event.
What’s so important about what we now call Holy Week? What’s the big deal about it? Why are the events of that first Holy Week and Easter often on the cover of major national news magazines? Why is Jesus still on the cover 2000 years later?
Because it was the week that proved Jesus was who He claimed to be. He was God and He came to earth to save us.
The events that happened on that Holy Week occurred in a dramatic succession of events. There was his triumphant entry on Palm Sunday, which we are celebrating today. Then there was the Last Super with his disciples on Thursday, the trial of Jesus late that night, then there was the death of Jesus on Friday, and finally the resurrection of Jesus on the next Sunday. I want to briefly consider three events of that week—Jesus’ trial death and resurrection, and the implications for us here this morning.
Jesus actually went through six trials. They arrested Him at night and they arrested Him secretly because He was so popular they didn’t want an uprising in the city of Jerusalem. Then He went through three religious trials and then He went through three civil trials.
First He went to Annas, then a trial before Caiaphas the high priest. Then a trial before the Sanhedrin, the religious Supreme Court. Then He went before Pilate, the governor of Jerusalem. Then Herod, the governor of Galilee. Then He was back to Pilate again. He went through six different trials, all night.
When they finished those six trials, what did they have to accuse Him of? Nothing. He had done nothing wrong. They had no crime against Him, no accusation that would stick. They brought in people to make up phony charges but they didn’t stick. Finally they got Him convicted on one count. He claims to be the Son of God. That’s why they put Jesus on the cross. He claims to be the Son of God.
Matthew 26 “The priests were looking for false evidence against Jesus so they could put Him to death but they didn’t find anything. Then they said, `Tell us if You are the Christ, the Son of God.’ `Yes, it is as you say,’ said Jesus. Then they spit in His face and struck Him with their fists and others slapped Him.” Notice: Jesus never claimed to be a good man. He never claimed to be a moral leader. He never claimed to be a great teacher. He said, “I’m God. I’m the only way to heaven. No one comes to the Father but through Me.”
That kind of changes the agenda a little bit. For instance, if I were to say, “I’m a good teacher.” Some of you would say, “Yes, he is a good teacher.” If I were to say, “I’m a good man and I’m an ethical person and I teach good moral principles.” You might agree with that. But if all of a sudden I stood up here one Sunday morning and said, “By the way, I’m god! And the only way you’re ever going to get to heaven is to put your trust in me.” would you relate and feel a little bit differently about me? Yes, it’d force you to make a decision.
If you ever meet anybody who claims to be God, you only have three options. One, believe he’s an idiot. The guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s mentally deficit. The lights are on but nobody’s home. He’s deluded. Like the guy on the funny farm who thinks he’s Napoleon. That’s one option when a guy tells you, “I’m god.” He just doesn’t know what he’s talking about and you feel pity for him.
Two, you could say, “I believe he’s a deceiver. A shyster, a swindler. He’s trying to con me into believing he’s something he’s not and he probably wants my money.” There are a lot of people like that out there. They’re all over. People who will tell you they are something they’re not in order to get something out of you.
Third opinion is to say, “I believe you’re telling the truth. In that case I need to fall down and worship you, obey you, and follow you.”
Everybody in this room has already made some kind of decision about Jesus Christ. You either believe He’s a liar or you believe He’s a lunatic or you believe He’s the Lord. It can’t just be: “I believe He was a good teacher.” He couldn’t be a good teacher because a good teacher would not say, “I’m god and I’m the only way to heaven.” A good person would not say that unless it was the truth. And if it’s not true we ought to close up shop and go home. You have to decide is Jesus deluded, is He an intentional deceiver or is He deity? Is He really who He said He was? God.
Jesus claimed to be the savior of the world in John 12:47 “I didn’t come to judge the world. I came to save it.” That’s why He allowed Himself to be put on trial so there would be no doubt about who he was. Obviously, being God, He could have stopped the trial at any moment. But He allowed it to happen and He even knew that He would be proven guilty because He was the Son of God and put on the cross. But it was all part of the plan. It cost Jesus Christ His life to pay for His sins. But He was willing to do it. Because after the trials were all over, He was condemned to be crucified.
Now, the crucifixion is probably the most brutal and torturous death penalty ever devised by men. But even before Jesus went to the cross, he experienced incredible pain and bruises. Because after six trials and staying up all night and lack of sleep it says that they gave Him to the Roman soldiers who just wanted to make fun of Him. They put a robe on Him and they crowned Him with a crown of thorns, which stuck into His head, into His brain. They put a blindfold on Him. Then it says they began to beat Him and slap Him. They hit Him in the face. The Bible says that they even began to pluck his beard.
Just out of sheer torture. They did this it said and said, “Who hit you, Jesus?” And somebody slapped Jesus on the face. “Who slapped You? If You’re God, tell us who we are?” Jesus could have given their names, their father’s names, and their grandfather’s names. He could have traced their family tree back to Adam. But He remained silent because He was taking the suffering of the world upon Himself.
The Bible says He was mocked and He was scorned. He was taken and scourged. Scourging was far worse than whipping. They would bend a man over a post so that he couldn’t kneel down but he could stand up either. And you know how that hurts your back when you’re in that half way position. They would tie your hands, strip you down to the waist, then two men called lectors would hold these whips that had a cat-of-nine-tails in it, nine long strands of leather. In each of these strands of leather they’d tie two things – sharp bone that would cut the skin and bits of led in order to bruise the skin. They would whip and when they did it would not only cut the back open but it would bruise it at the same time.
By law, you could only give 40 stripes because it would usually kill a man. So they always gave only 39. Because if you miscounted and gave more than 40, the lectors who would be giving the punishment would be given the same punishment they just doled out.
Jesus’ back was one bloody pulp even before He went to the cross. When you figure 39 times 9 that’s how many scars he had on His back even before He went to the cross. Then they gave Him the heavy cross that He was to carry up the hill to Calvary. As He carried the cross up the hill, He stumbled and falls due to the loss of blood and fatigue. The soldiers just grabbed somebody out of the crowd to help Him carry the cross. I’ve always been touched by the fact that they chose Simon of Cyrene, a black man was given the privilege of carrying Jesus’ cross.
When He got up to the top, they would stretch Him out on the cross and nail Him. You’ve seen many things where it looks like the nails were through the palms, but historically they would nail in the wrist, between the two bones. When it would go through it would hit that never that goes up your arm and be excruciatingly painful.
The death on the cross was a death of suffocation. If you hung this way for any period of time, what happens is the muscles around your chest cavity, the pectorals major, begin to paralyze. And when all the weight of your body is held this way, eventually you’re able to breathe in but you can’t breathe out. So the death on the cross would have been a simple death of suffocation except the Romans didn’t want to make it that easy.
What they would do is take a person’s knees and bend them a little bit and nail the feet to the cross. So a man would be hanging there in absolute agony until the pain in his chest was about to explode with pins and needles then he would lift himself up on his feet that were nailed to the cross, so he could breathe. He would hold that position until He could no longer stand the pain in his feet and He would let himself back down again. Until the pain in his lungs became unbearable.
The death on the cross was up and down, up and down. It was an incredibly torturous event. That’s why the Bible tells us (and history too) that the Romans would eventually break the legs of the person on the cross. They couldn’t stand up anymore and then they’d suffocate.
That’s the kind of punishment that Jesus went through on the cross. Why? Why did Jesus have to die? They took a spear and stuck it in His side just to make sure He had died and it says water and blood came out of the chest cavity. There are many books that have been written on this and doctors say that the only way you get water and blood mixing in the chest cavity is if the heart rips. You can call it what you want, but Jesus died of a broken heart. It exploded. He was saying, “I love you so much it hurts!”
Why did Jesus have to die? Because somebody had to pay for your sins. There’s a law of the universe that says, you reap what you sow. If you break man’s laws you pay man’s penalties. If I go out and speed and I get a ticket, I’ve got to pay. If you break man’s laws, you pay man’s penalties. If you break God’s laws, you pay God’s penalties.
The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death.” The Good News is it’s already been paid for. Jesus said, “You deserve punishment.” Because all of us do because none of us are perfect. All of us have blown it. He said, “I love you so much. I created you. I will come to earth and take your punishment for you.”
You probably don’t remember the name Timothy McCarthy. He was the guy who jumped in front of Hinkley and took a bullet for President Reagan and saved his life. We think, “What a hero!” He took a bullet for the President from a would be assassin.
Yet at Calvary, the President of the Universe took a bullet for you. He paid the price for you. He said, “I love you this much!” If you don’t think God loves you, take a long look at the cross. You’re blind if you don’t think God loves you. There will never be anyone in history who loves you more than God does.
“God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” You look at creation and see God’s hand but you look at the cross and you see God’s heart, His passion. This is why Jesus allowed Himself to be crucified. Ephesians “By the death of Christ we are set free, that is our sins are forgiven. How great is the grace of God which he gave to us in such large measure.” Jesus hadn’t done anything wrong. He didn’t deserve to die. He didn’t deserve the penalty. What was He guilty of? He was guilty of love in the first degree.
After Jesus died and they took His body downs and put Him in the tomb. The tombs of the Middle East are different than the tombs we have here in America. They don’t bury people in caskets under the ground. They would dig caves in the side of mountains, into the limestone, kind of like a mausoleum. They’d dig the caves then dig a trench right in front of the cave and put a giant millstone in front (You can still see these all over the Middle East today.) of the cave. They’d wedge it shut. Then when someone else in the family would die they would take it apart – roll the stone back and put another person’s body into the tomb.
It’s interesting that religious leaders after Jesus died felt a little frightened by all of this. So they went back to Pilate and said, “Jesus claimed that He was going to raise Himself from the dead in three days. We know that’s not going to happen. But, we would like for you to put an official Roman seal over that stone so it can’t be moved and we want you to post guards around it.”
In the history of the world, Jesus is the only person who they planted guards at His grave to keep Him from coming out. But this is what the essence of Christianity is.
If there were no resurrection, we could just all go home.
A few years ago, the top historians around the world gathered together and made a list of what they considered to be the 100 most significant events in the history of the world. There were things like the discovery of America, the invention of the airplane, the invention of the printing press and other things. Number four on the list of most important events was the life of Jesus Christ. When I saw that, I was not offended by that, that they hadn’t put it number one. They had forgotten the most important part anyway. They had put the Life of Jesus Christ.
If only Jesus had come and lived and then died like everybody else, that’s probably about the best you could say about Him – number four. Because there have been other good teachers, there have been other moral philosophers, there have been other unselfish martyrs. But what makes Jesus different is He not only died a martyr’s death on the cross but He came back to life. And nobody else has ever done that and that’s what makes this the most significant event in history because it’s never been done.
Newsweek, which is not known as a necessarily Christian magazine, says, “The risen Christ is the center of the Christian faith. The mystery without which there would be no church, no hope of eternal life, no living Christ to encounter today. No other historical figure has ever made the claim that He was raised from the dead. It was this appearance of the resurrected Christ that lit the flame of the Christian faith. It wasn’t the morality of the Sermon on the Mount, which enabled Christianity to conquer Roman paganism, but it was the belief that Jesus was alive. He’d been raised from the dead.”
This Holy Week then is not some memorial to a nice, good religious teacher who lived 2000 years ago. It’s a celebration of the fact that He is alive today. I’m living proof and so are other people sitting around you and approximately one billion Christians who will celebrate Holy Week this week and Easter next week end.
Romans 1:4 “By being raised from the dead, He proved he was the mighty Son of God, with the nature of God Himself.” He showed Himself many times. Historical records say. He showed Himself one time to 500 people. How would you like to be the people, who put Jesus to death and three days later, He’s walking around Jerusalem talking to you again? It would be quite an event! When Jesus was hanging on the cross, the skeptics and the critics, mocked Him and said, “If You’re the Son of God, why don’t You just pull Yourself down from that cross. Why don’t You just come down and show that You’re really God.” Jesus was going to do something far more than just come down from the cross. He had something more spectacular planned. He said, “I’m going to let you bury me for three days then I’ll come back to life to prove that I am what I am.” Can you imagine the joy that the disciples felt, the excitement that they felt when they realized that the man that had been crucified three days earlier was who He said to be He was.
Hope everyone learn something from this post.
Have a good holy week!
-from Vermillion Eyes
Throughout the Holy Week 2012, most businesses in the Philippines will either shut down operations or have later opening and earlier closing times. During the Easter Triduum, usually a public holiday, some television stations even interrupt broadcast altogether until Black Saturday in observance of this solemn occasion. In the Ilocos region, a common practice is the singing of a wailing song called the Leccio. It is done as a reflection of mourning the death of Christ.
While holy week is recognized by most Christian / Catholic denominations, most countries emphasizes mainly on the Easter Sunday and Good Friday. Only few countries with strong Christian / Catholic tradition such as Philippines, Panama, and Puerto Rico put the same emphasis to holy week.
Date of Holy Week 2012
2012 Holy Week will be celebrated from Sunday, 1 April 2012 to Sunday, 8 April 2012. Below is the date of days in 2012 holy week. Please note that Easter date change from year to year, and the dates below is only for Holy Week 2012 and not for other years.
Palm Sunday 2012
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Beginning with Palm Sunday, each day leading up to Easter symbolizes special meaning to Christians.
Holy Monday 2012
Monday, 2 April 2012
Holy Tuesday 2012
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Holy Wednesday 2012
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Maundy Thursday 2012 / Huwebes Santo 2012
Thursday, 5 April 2012
The most important of these begins with Maundy Thursday - or Holy Thursday - observed because that was the day in which Christ gathered with his followers for the Passover Seder.To Christians, this is the "Last Supper," where Christ instituted the Christian concept of sharing communion.
Following the Last Supper, Christ endured the "Agony in the Garden" in which he doubted his resolve to face his crucifixion. The events of this dramatic day led ultimately to Christ's betrayal for "40 pieces of silver" at the hands of one of his own followers, Judas Iscariot
Good Friday 2012 / Biyernes Santo 2012 / Viernes Santo 2012
Friday, 6 April 2012
Good Friday, one of the most somber days in the Christian calendar, marks the day of Christ's crucifixion. Today, many Christians observe the hours between noon and 3 PM with silence, prayer and meditation on the Passion of Christ, and it is a Roman Catholic tradition to visit three different churches during this time and to pray the "Stations of the Cross" at each church.
Holy Saturday commemorates the day Christ remained buried in a tomb, the darkest day for early Christians. Since Jewish law would not allow any of the preparations for burial to be carried out on the Sabbath, the tomb was closed to keep the body safe until the mourners returned on Sunday.
When Christ's mother Mary returned to the tomb in the morning to prepare the body of Christ for burial, the tomb was open and an angel proclaimed that Christ had been miraculously resurrected!
Holy Saturday 2012 / Black Saturday 2012 / Sabado de Gloria 2012
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Easter Sunday 2012
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Easter Sunday is the celebration of the joyous news of Christ's triumphant victory over death.
In Spain, Mexico and many other Latin countries, Semana Santa - Holy Week - is a time of processions, candlelit services and religious traditions. Around the world, special foods are served based on the traditional Lenten meatless fast, and festivities are held throughout the entire week in preparation for Easter Sunday.
About 2000 years ago an event occurred in the Middle East that changed the world permanently. We’ll never be the same again. In fact, we date our calendars by this event. Every time you write a date, you’re using the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the focal point. A.D. and B.C. History was split by this one event.
What’s so important about what we now call Holy Week? What’s the big deal about it? Why are the events of that first Holy Week and Easter often on the cover of major national news magazines? Why is Jesus still on the cover 2000 years later?
Because it was the week that proved Jesus was who He claimed to be. He was God and He came to earth to save us.
The events that happened on that Holy Week occurred in a dramatic succession of events. There was his triumphant entry on Palm Sunday, which we are celebrating today. Then there was the Last Super with his disciples on Thursday, the trial of Jesus late that night, then there was the death of Jesus on Friday, and finally the resurrection of Jesus on the next Sunday. I want to briefly consider three events of that week—Jesus’ trial death and resurrection, and the implications for us here this morning.
Jesus actually went through six trials. They arrested Him at night and they arrested Him secretly because He was so popular they didn’t want an uprising in the city of Jerusalem. Then He went through three religious trials and then He went through three civil trials.
First He went to Annas, then a trial before Caiaphas the high priest. Then a trial before the Sanhedrin, the religious Supreme Court. Then He went before Pilate, the governor of Jerusalem. Then Herod, the governor of Galilee. Then He was back to Pilate again. He went through six different trials, all night.
When they finished those six trials, what did they have to accuse Him of? Nothing. He had done nothing wrong. They had no crime against Him, no accusation that would stick. They brought in people to make up phony charges but they didn’t stick. Finally they got Him convicted on one count. He claims to be the Son of God. That’s why they put Jesus on the cross. He claims to be the Son of God.
Matthew 26 “The priests were looking for false evidence against Jesus so they could put Him to death but they didn’t find anything. Then they said, `Tell us if You are the Christ, the Son of God.’ `Yes, it is as you say,’ said Jesus. Then they spit in His face and struck Him with their fists and others slapped Him.” Notice: Jesus never claimed to be a good man. He never claimed to be a moral leader. He never claimed to be a great teacher. He said, “I’m God. I’m the only way to heaven. No one comes to the Father but through Me.”
That kind of changes the agenda a little bit. For instance, if I were to say, “I’m a good teacher.” Some of you would say, “Yes, he is a good teacher.” If I were to say, “I’m a good man and I’m an ethical person and I teach good moral principles.” You might agree with that. But if all of a sudden I stood up here one Sunday morning and said, “By the way, I’m god! And the only way you’re ever going to get to heaven is to put your trust in me.” would you relate and feel a little bit differently about me? Yes, it’d force you to make a decision.
If you ever meet anybody who claims to be God, you only have three options. One, believe he’s an idiot. The guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s mentally deficit. The lights are on but nobody’s home. He’s deluded. Like the guy on the funny farm who thinks he’s Napoleon. That’s one option when a guy tells you, “I’m god.” He just doesn’t know what he’s talking about and you feel pity for him.
Two, you could say, “I believe he’s a deceiver. A shyster, a swindler. He’s trying to con me into believing he’s something he’s not and he probably wants my money.” There are a lot of people like that out there. They’re all over. People who will tell you they are something they’re not in order to get something out of you.
Third opinion is to say, “I believe you’re telling the truth. In that case I need to fall down and worship you, obey you, and follow you.”
Everybody in this room has already made some kind of decision about Jesus Christ. You either believe He’s a liar or you believe He’s a lunatic or you believe He’s the Lord. It can’t just be: “I believe He was a good teacher.” He couldn’t be a good teacher because a good teacher would not say, “I’m god and I’m the only way to heaven.” A good person would not say that unless it was the truth. And if it’s not true we ought to close up shop and go home. You have to decide is Jesus deluded, is He an intentional deceiver or is He deity? Is He really who He said He was? God.
Jesus claimed to be the savior of the world in John 12:47 “I didn’t come to judge the world. I came to save it.” That’s why He allowed Himself to be put on trial so there would be no doubt about who he was. Obviously, being God, He could have stopped the trial at any moment. But He allowed it to happen and He even knew that He would be proven guilty because He was the Son of God and put on the cross. But it was all part of the plan. It cost Jesus Christ His life to pay for His sins. But He was willing to do it. Because after the trials were all over, He was condemned to be crucified.
Now, the crucifixion is probably the most brutal and torturous death penalty ever devised by men. But even before Jesus went to the cross, he experienced incredible pain and bruises. Because after six trials and staying up all night and lack of sleep it says that they gave Him to the Roman soldiers who just wanted to make fun of Him. They put a robe on Him and they crowned Him with a crown of thorns, which stuck into His head, into His brain. They put a blindfold on Him. Then it says they began to beat Him and slap Him. They hit Him in the face. The Bible says that they even began to pluck his beard.
Just out of sheer torture. They did this it said and said, “Who hit you, Jesus?” And somebody slapped Jesus on the face. “Who slapped You? If You’re God, tell us who we are?” Jesus could have given their names, their father’s names, and their grandfather’s names. He could have traced their family tree back to Adam. But He remained silent because He was taking the suffering of the world upon Himself.
The Bible says He was mocked and He was scorned. He was taken and scourged. Scourging was far worse than whipping. They would bend a man over a post so that he couldn’t kneel down but he could stand up either. And you know how that hurts your back when you’re in that half way position. They would tie your hands, strip you down to the waist, then two men called lectors would hold these whips that had a cat-of-nine-tails in it, nine long strands of leather. In each of these strands of leather they’d tie two things – sharp bone that would cut the skin and bits of led in order to bruise the skin. They would whip and when they did it would not only cut the back open but it would bruise it at the same time.
By law, you could only give 40 stripes because it would usually kill a man. So they always gave only 39. Because if you miscounted and gave more than 40, the lectors who would be giving the punishment would be given the same punishment they just doled out.
Jesus’ back was one bloody pulp even before He went to the cross. When you figure 39 times 9 that’s how many scars he had on His back even before He went to the cross. Then they gave Him the heavy cross that He was to carry up the hill to Calvary. As He carried the cross up the hill, He stumbled and falls due to the loss of blood and fatigue. The soldiers just grabbed somebody out of the crowd to help Him carry the cross. I’ve always been touched by the fact that they chose Simon of Cyrene, a black man was given the privilege of carrying Jesus’ cross.
When He got up to the top, they would stretch Him out on the cross and nail Him. You’ve seen many things where it looks like the nails were through the palms, but historically they would nail in the wrist, between the two bones. When it would go through it would hit that never that goes up your arm and be excruciatingly painful.
The death on the cross was a death of suffocation. If you hung this way for any period of time, what happens is the muscles around your chest cavity, the pectorals major, begin to paralyze. And when all the weight of your body is held this way, eventually you’re able to breathe in but you can’t breathe out. So the death on the cross would have been a simple death of suffocation except the Romans didn’t want to make it that easy.
What they would do is take a person’s knees and bend them a little bit and nail the feet to the cross. So a man would be hanging there in absolute agony until the pain in his chest was about to explode with pins and needles then he would lift himself up on his feet that were nailed to the cross, so he could breathe. He would hold that position until He could no longer stand the pain in his feet and He would let himself back down again. Until the pain in his lungs became unbearable.
The death on the cross was up and down, up and down. It was an incredibly torturous event. That’s why the Bible tells us (and history too) that the Romans would eventually break the legs of the person on the cross. They couldn’t stand up anymore and then they’d suffocate.
That’s the kind of punishment that Jesus went through on the cross. Why? Why did Jesus have to die? They took a spear and stuck it in His side just to make sure He had died and it says water and blood came out of the chest cavity. There are many books that have been written on this and doctors say that the only way you get water and blood mixing in the chest cavity is if the heart rips. You can call it what you want, but Jesus died of a broken heart. It exploded. He was saying, “I love you so much it hurts!”
Why did Jesus have to die? Because somebody had to pay for your sins. There’s a law of the universe that says, you reap what you sow. If you break man’s laws you pay man’s penalties. If I go out and speed and I get a ticket, I’ve got to pay. If you break man’s laws, you pay man’s penalties. If you break God’s laws, you pay God’s penalties.
The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death.” The Good News is it’s already been paid for. Jesus said, “You deserve punishment.” Because all of us do because none of us are perfect. All of us have blown it. He said, “I love you so much. I created you. I will come to earth and take your punishment for you.”
You probably don’t remember the name Timothy McCarthy. He was the guy who jumped in front of Hinkley and took a bullet for President Reagan and saved his life. We think, “What a hero!” He took a bullet for the President from a would be assassin.
Yet at Calvary, the President of the Universe took a bullet for you. He paid the price for you. He said, “I love you this much!” If you don’t think God loves you, take a long look at the cross. You’re blind if you don’t think God loves you. There will never be anyone in history who loves you more than God does.
“God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” You look at creation and see God’s hand but you look at the cross and you see God’s heart, His passion. This is why Jesus allowed Himself to be crucified. Ephesians “By the death of Christ we are set free, that is our sins are forgiven. How great is the grace of God which he gave to us in such large measure.” Jesus hadn’t done anything wrong. He didn’t deserve to die. He didn’t deserve the penalty. What was He guilty of? He was guilty of love in the first degree.
After Jesus died and they took His body downs and put Him in the tomb. The tombs of the Middle East are different than the tombs we have here in America. They don’t bury people in caskets under the ground. They would dig caves in the side of mountains, into the limestone, kind of like a mausoleum. They’d dig the caves then dig a trench right in front of the cave and put a giant millstone in front (You can still see these all over the Middle East today.) of the cave. They’d wedge it shut. Then when someone else in the family would die they would take it apart – roll the stone back and put another person’s body into the tomb.
It’s interesting that religious leaders after Jesus died felt a little frightened by all of this. So they went back to Pilate and said, “Jesus claimed that He was going to raise Himself from the dead in three days. We know that’s not going to happen. But, we would like for you to put an official Roman seal over that stone so it can’t be moved and we want you to post guards around it.”
In the history of the world, Jesus is the only person who they planted guards at His grave to keep Him from coming out. But this is what the essence of Christianity is.
If there were no resurrection, we could just all go home.
A few years ago, the top historians around the world gathered together and made a list of what they considered to be the 100 most significant events in the history of the world. There were things like the discovery of America, the invention of the airplane, the invention of the printing press and other things. Number four on the list of most important events was the life of Jesus Christ. When I saw that, I was not offended by that, that they hadn’t put it number one. They had forgotten the most important part anyway. They had put the Life of Jesus Christ.
If only Jesus had come and lived and then died like everybody else, that’s probably about the best you could say about Him – number four. Because there have been other good teachers, there have been other moral philosophers, there have been other unselfish martyrs. But what makes Jesus different is He not only died a martyr’s death on the cross but He came back to life. And nobody else has ever done that and that’s what makes this the most significant event in history because it’s never been done.
Newsweek, which is not known as a necessarily Christian magazine, says, “The risen Christ is the center of the Christian faith. The mystery without which there would be no church, no hope of eternal life, no living Christ to encounter today. No other historical figure has ever made the claim that He was raised from the dead. It was this appearance of the resurrected Christ that lit the flame of the Christian faith. It wasn’t the morality of the Sermon on the Mount, which enabled Christianity to conquer Roman paganism, but it was the belief that Jesus was alive. He’d been raised from the dead.”
This Holy Week then is not some memorial to a nice, good religious teacher who lived 2000 years ago. It’s a celebration of the fact that He is alive today. I’m living proof and so are other people sitting around you and approximately one billion Christians who will celebrate Holy Week this week and Easter next week end.
Romans 1:4 “By being raised from the dead, He proved he was the mighty Son of God, with the nature of God Himself.” He showed Himself many times. Historical records say. He showed Himself one time to 500 people. How would you like to be the people, who put Jesus to death and three days later, He’s walking around Jerusalem talking to you again? It would be quite an event! When Jesus was hanging on the cross, the skeptics and the critics, mocked Him and said, “If You’re the Son of God, why don’t You just pull Yourself down from that cross. Why don’t You just come down and show that You’re really God.” Jesus was going to do something far more than just come down from the cross. He had something more spectacular planned. He said, “I’m going to let you bury me for three days then I’ll come back to life to prove that I am what I am.” Can you imagine the joy that the disciples felt, the excitement that they felt when they realized that the man that had been crucified three days earlier was who He said to be He was.
Hope everyone learn something from this post.
Have a good holy week!
-from Vermillion Eyes
And now!
For the most awaited event of Vermillion Eyes..
VE Opening!
This coming April 2012, we will give those pico players who wants to be one of the Vermillions in a way of a simple event, a CHANCE to be! [VE]!
Instructions of joining the event:
Make an essay with the topic of
"What do you think about VE?
VE is---"
An Example of Essay:
Its up to you if you want to make it long or short. Then post it in or very own facebook page---
*dont lose your entry's link.
After posting your Essay to our fanpage's homepage, Please copy the link of your post.. How to get the post's link? Just click the time you posted it.. Then it will direct you to the sole post. Copy then create a link entry on --- (which is located at the tabs of the fanpage "VE Opening: Essay ENtries' Links) with the following instructions in the photo given below.
Tell your friends to visit Tell them to look for your entry and ask for likes.
The top 7 which have the most likes are the winners!
Then 3 among the entries left, we will choose 3 wonderful essays and will also be winners.
You can start submitting entries from April 1-14.
Winners will be announced on April 15.
So, all in all, there will be 10 winners!
This is only for VE Main, those who are not filipinos. VE International and VE bahasa are open. And you are very welcome to join.
NOTE: You can use either Tagalog or English
watch the opening trailer @
To all participants, please give us a good play.
For the most awaited event of Vermillion Eyes..
VE Opening!
This coming April 2012, we will give those pico players who wants to be one of the Vermillions in a way of a simple event, a CHANCE to be! [VE]!
Instructions of joining the event:
Make an essay with the topic of
"What do you think about VE?
VE is---"
An Example of Essay:
Being Part of VE
By Xylee Pearl Seprado Bagsican in ♕ Vℯrmilliℴn ℰyes ❦ ·
For how many months ive waited, to join in this clan, and finally im in! Well I really want to join into this clan for a long time but they keep ignoring me cause theyre not accepting any members at all and then the right time came that VE would be accepting new members and im in thank GOD and that is the happiest day in my pico life!
While im on this clan I cant believe it when its still 2 days ago or 1 that when I got online I would see the group VE and can chat with them, well I have much confidence when im added in this group because I know that my pico family is here specially Cait,Rica and Alex, im happy too because Chezka and Jirah are both in like me..
For the following days I found out that its really fun being part of this clan even though the meaning of it is all about rude things well im kinda not surprised because Cait is the same and its not new to me and im not the amazed or surprised of what the members are saying..
I experienced what a freedom is in this clan because you can say bad things, u can do what ever you want and they are not forcing you to change the thing that you dont want to change...
When VE became a part of my life well im not surprised at all that my notifications would increase because Cait is there to like all of the comments and posts so nothing to be surprised of XD
Finally Im happy because in this clan I can express my true feelings and I can show my true attitude and that no one will stop me to do what I want... I hope that I can stay longer in this clan and will make more friends and wont get into fight or something that can hurt me or something that I... can hurt other members.
Thats all I can say about this clan, well i dont have much to say but one word can describe this clan and its FUN!
Its up to you if you want to make it long or short. Then post it in or very own facebook page---
*dont lose your entry's link.
After posting your Essay to our fanpage's homepage, Please copy the link of your post.. How to get the post's link? Just click the time you posted it.. Then it will direct you to the sole post. Copy then create a link entry on --- (which is located at the tabs of the fanpage "VE Opening: Essay ENtries' Links) with the following instructions in the photo given below.
Tell your friends to visit Tell them to look for your entry and ask for likes.
The top 7 which have the most likes are the winners!
Then 3 among the entries left, we will choose 3 wonderful essays and will also be winners.
You can start submitting entries from April 1-14.
Winners will be announced on April 15.
So, all in all, there will be 10 winners!
This is only for VE Main, those who are not filipinos. VE International and VE bahasa are open. And you are very welcome to join.
NOTE: You can use either Tagalog or English
watch the opening trailer @
To all participants, please give us a good play.