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- Video Making Contest for Captain 7
Posted by : Ako si Dm
Jul 14, 2012
Hi Readers :))
In this very moment we are having an event for the replacement of captain 7 .
Here are it's description :
NOTE: Winner will be a VE member and automatically a VE Capt, Capt. 7 to be specific.
We are calling the attention of all interested pico players to join our contest for being a VE and a VE Captain.
*VE members can join this event too. The event is for all.
*We are looking for:
- active pico player. Present and no conflict in studies )as much as posible).
- Can edit a video beautifully.
- Have the attitude of VEs.
- Don't have a clan, cause in VE double clan is not allowed.
- Filipino citizen to be a member of VE main.
last but not the least,
- really want to be part of Vermillion Eyes. :)
1. Make a pico video, probably your pico. Must be original (no copycats) and your own work.
* In your video, include the following:
1. Introduction of yourself/pico.
2. Reason of joining the event.
3. If ever you win the event, can you do the tasks of being a VE Captain?
4. Acknowledgements/Credits.
2. Upload it in youtube. (BTW, subscribe in our youtube channel @ http://www.youtube.com/user/vermillioneyesclan ).
3. Post the youtube link of your video in VE page @ http://www.facebook.com/VermillionEyesOfficial
*The coolest and most creative video will be the winner. No likes needed to win. Just pure talent.
*The event will run from July 15 - July 27. Making a video is not an easy task, it takes time to build an idea and putting it into action so we are giving almost 2weeks for you to make one video. :)
*For any questions or comments, don't hesitate to comment below or post in the page. Thank you.